CARE @ CCSS 2025 Study Tour for Teachers!!

Memorial gathering for Grandma Gil Won-ok in Glendale 오셔서 길원옥 할머니의 명복을 빌어주세요!
February 20, 2025

2025 CCSS | Burlingame, CA

CARE will be at the California Council for the Social Studies conference to have a session on the “Comfort Women” education and meet social studies teachers!!  If you are attending the conference, please join our session on Saturday, March 08 at 1:30pm!

We also have an information booth at the exhibition hall, so please come and say hi, and pick up some educational resources at the table!



Call for Applications: 2025 CARE Study Tour to South Korea!

Click HERE to Apply!          Click HERE for FAQ 

The Comfort Women Action for Redress and Education (CARE) will be providing a study tour to South Korea this summer, in order to support California high school social science teachers who are passionate about teaching “comfort women” issue.

This study tour includes:

· A one-day conference (June 21, 2025) with South Korean History teachers, co-sponsored by CARE and the Korean Association for Social Studies Education.

· Two-day (June 22-23) field visits to “comfort women” museums and/or related sites.

· The opportunity to explore South Korea independently before or after the program.

· English and Korean interpretation will be provided during the program.

Our goal is to provide California high school (grades 9-12) social studies teachers with a deeper, multi-faceted understanding of the “comfort women” issue, and an opportunity to collaborate with South Korean educators.

The application deadline is March 15, 2025. (Contact us if you require more time to submit an application)

The CARE selection committee will choose two (2) winners from the pool of applicants. Selected teachers will receive:

1.     A $4,000 stipend (of this amount, $1,000 will be issued post-tour) to cover flight, lodging and other travel expenses.

2.     Lunch and dinner on the day of the conference. (June 21)

3.     Ground transportation and lunch during the field trip. (June 22-23)

4.     English/Korean interpretation throughout the program.


Eligibility & Requirements (Read the full requirements and FAQ using QR codes)

· Must be available to fully participate in the three-day study tour in South Korea from June 21-23, 2025

· Must be a full-time high school (grades 9-12) social studies teacher in California.

· Must have experience teaching the comfort women” issue as part of the History/Social Science curriculum using their own or existing lesson plans.

· Post-trip: Submit a lesson plan and participate in a zoom webinar to share the tour experiences.

· Final stipend payment ($1,000) will be issued after these requirements are completed.


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