July 16, 2020

7 Demands by the victims to Japanese Government

7 Demands by the victims to Japanese Government  for Resolution of the Issue of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan  Since the early 1990s, victims from Asian countries and their supporters […]
July 14, 2020

“COMFORT WOMEN”: The Struggle for Justice

May 21, 2020

위안부행동 재정공개

지난 7일 이용수 할머니의 기자회견 후 일본군 “위안부” 피해자들의 인권과 명예를 회복하고 가해자 일본정부의 책임을 묻는 활동을 주도해 온 정의연에 대한 수많은 의혹들이 꼬리를 물고 터져 […]
December 9, 2019

Another glaring evidence involving the Japanese government in the military sexual salvery

Over the weekend, the social media exploded with a report from Kyodo News, the largest Japanese news wire agency, showing newly discovered evidence for Japanese government’s […]