May 18, 2021

U.S.-based rights groups ask Biden to seek historic justice for victims of wartime sexual slavery

Ahead of South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s visit to the White House in May, CARE along with three other U.S.-based advocacy organizations for Comfort Women, delivered […]
May 1, 2021

Digital Archive for the “comfort women” evidence

We are launching a digital archive with translated annotations on primary sources and documentary evidence on Imperial Japan’s multinational system of sexual slavery and trafficking as […]
April 30, 2021

The Korean Court’s rejection of the second “comfort women” compensation lawsuit and the ICJ option

Phyllis Kim, Dr. Ethan Hee-seok Shin, and Professor Alexis Dudden spoke with Lee Hee-eun at Arirang’s The Point. They discussed the Seoul Central District Court’s conflicting […]
April 25, 2021

Korean court rules against the “comfort women” victims

Lee Yong-soo’s plea for taking “comfort women” issues to the UN International Court of Justice is about pursuing a direct, personal apology and statement of legal […]