August 13, 2018

Abe Cabinet OKs ¥1 billion transfer to South Korea ‘comfort women’ fund

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet on Wednesday approved the disbursement of ¥1 billion ($9.8 million) to a South Korean foundation to help Korean women forced to […]
August 13, 2018

US lawyer raises global awareness of ‘comfort women’

By Kang Hyun-kyung SAN FRANCISCO — If Japan continues to deny its involvement in war rape and to refuse to compensate World War II “comfort women,” […]
August 12, 2018

Standing with Historians of Japan; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

As historians, we express our dismay at recent attempts by the Japanese government to suppress statements in history textbooks both in Japan and elsewhere about the […]
August 12, 2018

Japan’s public diplomacy is expensive and errant

BY JEFF KINGSTON SPECIAL TO THE JAPAN TIMES FEB 14, 2015 Global understanding does not come cheaply. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government has budgeted ¥70 billion — […]